Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Rejection is a painful yet inevitable part of life. Most people are able to find a way to shake it off. However, for folks experiencing Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), rejection and criticism can feel intensely excruciating. In this blog post, written by Baltimore-based psychotherapist, Noelle Benach, LCPC, CST, we will explore RSD, its link to ADHD, & options for finding relief and support.
Finding a Therapist
Searching for a therapist can be inherently stressful. Where do you look? How do you ensure you’ve picked the right one for you? In this blog, we will explore how to find a proper therapist that meets your needs, and how to get the most out of therapy once you’ve started.
Decoding Desire
Does it seem like your partner(s) seem to be able to get in the mood much more easily than you? Do you feel guilty for not wanting to be intimate as often as they do? Or, on the other hand, do you find yourself to be the one initiating sex more often? Are you ever left feeling disappointed when your attempts at foreplay are met with rejection? You’re not alone. Desire discrepancy is one of the top reasons couples seek out sex therapy. In this post inspired by Dr. Emily Nagoski's book Come As You are, we will explore the different types of sexual desire, how to cultivate desire and arousal, and additional resources to increase satisfaction and intimacy.